Tag Archive | #mindfulness

Life Journey Blend – Strength In Transition

When you are facing a challenge in your life journey, often it takes strength and will power to continue on that journey when those challenges occur.

A blend of essential oils that will enhance, support, and allow you to retain the focus on your life journey, regardless of the challenges you are facing is:

Black Pepper (Piper nigrum)

Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris, ct linalool)

Each of these oils has physical healing properties, as well as an emotional profile.  For this blend it was about the emotional profile.

Black Pepper

Physically this essential oil is well known for it’s warming properties, allowing for it’s use in the warming of muscles and joints to allow for more freedom of movement, it’s use in fevers (a homeopathic quality, like cures like) and for it’s ability to break up blockages and remove them, such as an expectorant, anticatarrhal and a digestive.

This ability to break up and remove blockages allows Black Pepper to stimulate the individual to see the blockages that are holding them back in their journey through life, to loosen those blockages and give you direction in your journey.  The warming properties also allow you to gather warm and confidence in yourself, and your ability to undertake the direction you have chosen on this journey.


Physically this essential oil is well known for it’s calming and anti-spasmodic effects, allowing for it’s use in areas of respiratory conditions and nervous conditions.

This calming and anti-spasmodic effect allows for the individual who is jumping from one idea to another, rapidly going through change, to make the transition from one state to another, or from one path to another, with more calmness and ease. The Cypress in this blend protects and supports you on the rapid change that is unfolding in your Life Journey, allowing you to transition into the next area with ease and without a draining of energy that comes with rapid change and jumping from idea to idea.


Physically this essential oil is well known for it’s anti-inflammatory effects, allowing for it’s use in many inflammatory conditions, including respiratory, urinary and skin related inflammations.

This anti-inflammatory aspect allows for the individual to remove the anger from their emotion, and dig into their own strength to follow their Life Journey.  Thyme encourages you to be balanced, courageous, calm and supportive while also ensuring there is focus and decisive action being undertaken.  This allows you to be strong in your decisions, to ensure you strengthen your will power to remain on your chosen path.

These essential oils combined allow you to transition into change, with ease, will power and strength, while remaining firmly focused on your chosen Life Journey.

Aromatherapy Blend

Strength In Transition

For more information on the use of essential oils, refer to my website, http://www.SandraVenables.com

International Yoga Day

This year a new recognition day was established and it was for Yoga.

There are many differing types of yoga as I have recently discovered when I started doing Kum Nye Tibetian Yoga.

In a recent email from Huffington Post, I found some of these less conventional types of yoga raised a smile in me, and wanted to share them with you too.  I loved the idea of eating and yoga, and taking along your pet dog with you, amongst the more quirky types of yoga.

There is also another good post that shows you 7 simple yoga poses, includes great videos of the technique too, to undertake throughout your day. So no need to go to a yoga class at all!  Go enjoy your yoga and set your body up for the day

Meditation, yoga

Clarity – Living Life With Intention


Letting go of the struggles in life allows you to move forward without the past baggage, without the old habits and limitations, moving forward you see clearly your true path of happiness, through understanding of yourself and others, with true joy in your heart.

This blend contains three essential oils, Mandarin (Citrus reticulata), Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) and German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)


Top note, Heart Chakra

Mandarin is utilised physically as an antispasmodic, antifungal, antiviral, digestive, sedative and relaxing essential oil.  These properties bring with them the emotional aspects of:

  • relaxing the mind
  • relieving the emotional cramping within, that occurs due to holding onto past baggage
  • allowing for relaxation and joy, resulting in an uplifted feeling
  • alleviating the internal attack of emotions on your better self

Mandarin is an overall message of happiness and speaks especially to the inner child you have within you, and allows you to welcome the inner child into your existence.  Mandarin has a sense of joy that allows you to embrace and enjoy life in the here and now, allowing the emotional baggage of times past to be released and let go.

When you require Mandarin in your life, you are usually experiencing a compulsiveness, especially about small things, examples of which are housework, dwelling on past experiences, tasks that take you away from stepping back and looking at the overall picture, what it is that you are striving for.

The clarity that Mandarin brings into your life is to allow you to let go of the small things in life, the past baggage, and to see the future clearly, with the inspiration and joy of your inner child that accompanies the clarity of your journey.

Mandarin allows you to have the clarity of your heartfelt journey, without allowing issues to detract you from that journey. It allows you to stop being self-pitying, and to move forward with joy in your heart, to experience the fun of your inner child, to enjoy self acceptance while relating to others compassionately and unconditionally with love and joy.

Mandarin removes the fear of betrayal and allows you to take a lighter approach to the clear heartfelt journey you see before you.


Top note, third eye chakra

Teatree is utilised physically as an immunostimulant, anticatarrhal, analgesic, antifungal and antiviral essential oil.  These properties bring with them the emotional aspects of:

  • release of the struggle within
  • get the emotions off the chest
  • release the emotional pain directed towards self
  • release the attack on the better self

Teatree provides an overall message of understanding, releasing old ways, old events and old emotions.  This understanding of the role of these old ways, events and/or emotions in your life allows you to move forward with an intuitive knowing of the path ahead, with clarity.

Teatree will allow you to see intuitively what you have always known and understood to be true, but have never acted upon.  Teatree gives you the permission to follow your intuition.  It gives you the light to see clearly the knowledge you have always had within you, so you can answer your questions yourself.

Teatree gives you the knowledge of success in your future, with clarity and a knowing that it is there for you. It gives you the ability to see the truth within and the ability to act upon it with clear knowledge and trust that it is true.  The answers have always been within you, now you can access them with clarity.

German Chamomile

Middle note, throat chakra

German Chamomile is utilised physically as a digestive, antiinflammatory, antispasmodic, cicatrizant, decongestant and hormone-like essential oil.  These properties bring with them the emotional aspects of:

  • balancing to the emotions
  • healing the emotional scars within
  • clearing the foggy mind
  • calming to anger
  • reducing the cramping of the internal emotions

German Chamomile provides an overall message of calmness, peace, healing and soothing delivered with understanding and empathy.  It is especially useful for removing the irritation, resentment, bitterness or deep emotional baggage that is associated with old habits, self criticism and criticism of others.

German Chamomile is a great communicator, allowing for personal expression with active listening, giving great understanding to those around you in a soothing and calming manner. It allows you to clearly see and hear what is happening to those around you, so that criticism of either yourself or them does not occur.  The support German Chamomile gives is empathetic, relaxed and patient in nature.

erman Chamomile allows you to clearly see your journey, and to communicate this to others with clarity and purpose. The truth of you walking your talk shines through in your ability to communicate clearly.

German Chamomile allows you to clearly see your journey, and to communicate this to others with clarity and purpose. The truth of you walking your talk shines through in your ability to communicate clearly.

Aromatherapy, essential oils


Friday’s Blend – Finish Your Week Productively

Today the clinic aromatherapy blend that is being vaporised includes the following essential oils




The overall energy that will fill the clinic with these oils will encompass a sense of peace and stillness, allowing the work and any changes that are put in front of you to be handled with ease, without the stress of an emotional explosion!  At the same time, you will have an inner sense of strength that the work you are doing is coming from your heart, that it is the best of you, that you will achieve what you set out to achieve.

You will also find the strength to operate positively in the face of any negativity, by going within yourself to see that the truth and your strenght lies within you.

Have a great Friday, go through it with tranquility, progress and strength, achieving all that you set out to achieve today.

Happy Friday - Homeopathy Gold Coast

Happy Friday

Secrets To Wonderment

Do you live with a sense of wonderment?

Do you see the beauty that surrounds you every day?

Are you aware and in the moment so that you can see the beauty?

I visited the South Bank Parklands over the weekend. I had to stop several times and take a photo of the beauty I was seeing.  I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I did!

Essential Oils, herbs, wellbeing

Herb Garden


A fun painting








Deep pink Frangipani

The secrets to seeing the world through the eyes of wonderment, are to stop and see what is around you in the moment. Always look out for the beauty in any situation.

A good question to ask yourself is, how would you respond to the following situation?

You return home by car on a beautiful autumn evening. The sun is setting in a kaleidoscope of extraordinary colours.

Do you

a) anxiously lower the sun shield so as not to be dazzled

b) stop by the side of the road and take a few moments to absorb the wonderful spectacle

c) hope you’ll get home before it’s dark

If you answered B, then you are already undertsanding the secrets to wonderment in your life.

If you answered A or C, next time this happens, try out B and see how you feel afterwards!

I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I did

Need To Be Productive Today?

We all manage to have days where the productivity level is low.  How do you change that?

Well, for some people I know, they put on loud music and dance out the sluggishness and replace it with a vibrancy.  Others go for a walk in nature. Yet others take a 10 minute meditation break.

For me, when I know there is an amount of work to be achieved in a day, and the motivation levels are low, I turn to my trusty oil burner and essential oils.  I choose a blend that will assist my Productivity.

Productivity Blend:

  • Clary Sage
  • Basil
  • Clove

Clary Sage will allow clarity when mental confusion or emotions are ruling the day, which can normally result in you feeling weepy or burnt out. You will become clear about what you want and how to get it, removing events or distractions from your path.

Basil will allow you to express yourself and speak from your heart while acting with integrity. You will perform the required tasks with truth and positivity.

Clove allows you to release any attachments that are holding you back from your path of productivity.  Allowing you to change your lack of motivation and move forward with your tasks.

Using a blend of Clary Sage, Basil and Clove will allow you to see the tasks required to be undertaken, the Clary sage allowing you to intuit what needs to be done, the Basil allowing you to perform the task with integrity and the Clove ensuring you release past issues that are holding you back from your task.

Essential Oils, herbs, wellbeing

Herb Garden

For more practical blends and ideas, look out for my upcoming workshop on using Aromatherapy & Homeopathy around the home

Stepping Into 2015 – Strongly!

Most of the emails over the last day have been about setting New Year’s Resolutions, or not.  Inspiring quotes to start your year strong. How to detox efficiently in 3 days.  Stop smoking easily. And the list continues.

Did you know that the most common New Year’s Resolutions are to get healthier, quit smoking/drinking/overeating and to lose weight.  All of these relate to looking after our bodies, to creating a cleaner, healthier and stronger you.

Did you know that most New Year’s Resolutions are broken within days if not weeks?

Interesting thoughts to contemplate aren’t they?

This year, my New Year’s Resolution is not about me.  It’s about helping others achieve what they desire.  Go figure, 2014 was a changing year for me, so now the focus is upon others and not me anymore.  How exhilarating, how inspiring, how wonderful to know that this is my focus for the next 52 weeks!!

My resolution is actually part of my lifestyle. It is a part of my daily routines that have been established over the last year, so I know that they will be fulfilled as they are not a distant goal, but something that I aspire to include in my daily life, so it becomes a lifestyle, and not a goal.

How do I do this? I would lie to you if I said that this was easy to achieve, if it happened overnight.  As I mentioned, it’s been developing over the last year and it will continue to develop.  Some of the first steps I have undertaken to ensure this is happening within my lifestyle are:

  • at the end of every day, writing out 10 things I’m grateful for, in my Gratitude diary. This includes my learning experiences!
  • on waking every day, I run through my morning six – my dream, how it will feel when it’s achieved, who I’m going to help along the way, what I’m doing when it’s achieved, the one fun thing I’m going to do when I achieve it, and the one thing I’m going to do today that will take me one step closer to that dream
  • on waking I also consider the short term goals that I’m aiming for along the way to achieving my dream above
  • I look for butterflies every day – it was part of my E-squared experiment and it’s stayed with me. This allows me to know that I can manifest the changes in my life that I desire

These steps, undertaken daily, have become my lifestyle. These steps assist me in achieving my goals, lifestyle and resolutions.

Focus New Years Resolutions

Focus On Each Step

Clean Out The Old, Brush In The New!

As I sit here on the afternoon of New Years Eve, I’m reflecting on the year that was 2014.  I’ve just finished a big clean out of the clinic area, and have created a new energy for the new year!  I’m very excited about it all, as I now look out my window, instead of having my back to it – I’ll get to enjoy the views of nature so much more in 2015.

In order to celebrate the new energies that the clinic is creating for 2015, I’ve also decided to burn a cleansing set of oils to remove any old stagnant energy and to create new space for the uplifting energy that this clinic is creating!

The recipe of the essential oils that have been burning, while I’ve been cleaning, clearing and dusting are:


Salvia officinalis

Sage was used because of it’s ability to clear catarrh, or mucous. This leads me to believe that it will clear the stuck or gunky energy from within the clinical space.  Sage is used traditionally for inflammations, especially of the throat. A good place to clear stuck energy from, as it allows us to speak freely. Something that is required when you’re in the clinic.


Santalum album

Sandalwood was used as it keeps your individual space strong, so once it is clear from the Sage, the Sandalwood will allow that space to stay open and free of negative energies, allowing more free flowing positive energy within the clinic.  It also allows for those within this space to operate efficiently and with joy of life. This is something I often see emerging within my clients in the clinic.


Boswellia carterii

Frankincense was used to protect the open and free space that has been created, allowing those within it to be free from worry, overwhelm and anything else that may be draining of your own energy.  I enjoy seeing clients be free from their worries, with increased energy emerging from within them once they begin their Life Journey in the clinic.  Frankincense provides this protection to be free.

I feel that these oils are beneficial for myself as well as the clinic.  We have both been on a journey this year, with highs and lows, and learnings from all of these experiences.  This year the focus has been soundly on change, and with change comes challenges, but also growth.  This growth is important for both the clinic and myself as we cannot stagnate in the world we’re in, our Life’s Journey is too short to sit and wait for things to happen.

I want to thank all my clients for taking the step to begin their Life Journey in good health, to my students for allowing me to learn and grow alongside them, and to the Universe for putting trials in my path to test my strength of conviction for my Life Journey too.

Have a very Happy and Healthy New Year, may your year bring you all you have dreamt of, and more, and remember to visit the clinic to begin, or continue, your Life Journey in 2015.

According to numerology, the keywords for this year include “good health”, “progress”, “privilege”, “karma”, “success”, “profit” and “competence”. Your personal keywords will vary from this, but this is what we can expect from 2015 in general.


Everyday, Be Gentle

Stress Secrets

Stress Less

Love Life More


Quite often I take the time to create a blend for the clinic, usually focusing on what I am looking for most within my day too.  Usually the blending process is done intuitively.  Today was no different.  I went to my ‘toolbox’ of essential oils and randomly chose three oils


Today’s Blend




These three are burning gently now as I write this blog, the aroma is very relaxing and I understand that the effects of these will be to uplift my heart and joy of life, along with easing me through the changes I’m making to my work and personal life, knowing that my strength is contained within me!


  • eases stress
  • uplifting
  • help to ease you through changes
  • keeps you alert
  • nutures the solar plexus chakra



  • creates unity, focusing  your heart and head together
  • to aid you in rising above your self imposed barriers
  • to aid you in sticking to your plan
  • grounding, yet linked to your spirituality, the unity of both
  • aids you in realising that your strength is always within you
  • nutures the sacral chakra



  • unconditional love, love of life, joy of life
  • aids you in following  your dreams with passion
  • lets you live  your life from your heart, encompassing all that you are passionate about
  • gives joy and happiness in large quanitites
  • nutures the solar and heart chakras


Enjoy today’s blend and live life to it’s fullest, with joy, happiness & passion, striving for your dreams that are attainable by following your heart and using the strength within you.


Aromatherapy Blend Stress Less

Stress Less, Live Life More

Are Mistakes Failures?

In today’s society there seems to be a strong pressure for us to all perform, to perform well (in fact perfectly) and to achieve the top of anything we attempt.


We make mistakes!!


How many of us admit that we’ve made a mistake, and what does it mean to admit to this mistake?


This week, I had a day where I made a mistake.  Instead of following my routine that I had set aside for the month of November, I didn’t follow my plan. Yes, this was a mistake.


What it catastrophic?




Did I Learn From This?




What did I learn I hear you ask?


Well, I learnt a couple of things – okay, I’ve listed 7.


  1. To be kind to myself
  2. To improve on the me I was yesterday
  3. To be the best me I can be
  4. To make a mistake is to learn
  5. To learn is to grow
  6. To grow is LIVING!
  7. Once a mistake is made, to learn from it and move back is powerful


I’ve been following the teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz and his wonderfully quoted book, The Four Agreements.  These four agreements are:


  1. Be impeccable with your word
  2. Don’t take anything personally
  3. Don’t make assumptions
  4. Always do your best.


These agreements came to mind for me strongly when I admitted to myself that it had been a mistake to not follow my program for a day.  However, the tempered my response to this mistake, and supported my growth from that mistake.


Within these, I was gentle to myself for slipping off the rails (being impeccable with my word), telling myself how easy it will be to step back onto these rails and be a better person performing the task than I was the day before (always doing my best) and not blaming myself (not taking it personally that I slipped).  I have stepped back onto the rails, with determination and gratitude for where I have developed to as a person.


A year ago, it would have been so easy to tell myself off for slipping off a planned strategy, to have felt bad for doing the ‘wrong’ thing, to then continue being off the rails. Now, life is much gentler.


Remember: be gentle to yourself, so you can be gentle to others


Mistakes & Growth

Responsibility for your mistakes, results in growth