Tag Archive | life journey

Life Journey Blend – Strength In Transition

When you are facing a challenge in your life journey, often it takes strength and will power to continue on that journey when those challenges occur.

A blend of essential oils that will enhance, support, and allow you to retain the focus on your life journey, regardless of the challenges you are facing is:

Black Pepper (Piper nigrum)

Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris, ct linalool)

Each of these oils has physical healing properties, as well as an emotional profile.  For this blend it was about the emotional profile.

Black Pepper

Physically this essential oil is well known for it’s warming properties, allowing for it’s use in the warming of muscles and joints to allow for more freedom of movement, it’s use in fevers (a homeopathic quality, like cures like) and for it’s ability to break up blockages and remove them, such as an expectorant, anticatarrhal and a digestive.

This ability to break up and remove blockages allows Black Pepper to stimulate the individual to see the blockages that are holding them back in their journey through life, to loosen those blockages and give you direction in your journey.  The warming properties also allow you to gather warm and confidence in yourself, and your ability to undertake the direction you have chosen on this journey.


Physically this essential oil is well known for it’s calming and anti-spasmodic effects, allowing for it’s use in areas of respiratory conditions and nervous conditions.

This calming and anti-spasmodic effect allows for the individual who is jumping from one idea to another, rapidly going through change, to make the transition from one state to another, or from one path to another, with more calmness and ease. The Cypress in this blend protects and supports you on the rapid change that is unfolding in your Life Journey, allowing you to transition into the next area with ease and without a draining of energy that comes with rapid change and jumping from idea to idea.


Physically this essential oil is well known for it’s anti-inflammatory effects, allowing for it’s use in many inflammatory conditions, including respiratory, urinary and skin related inflammations.

This anti-inflammatory aspect allows for the individual to remove the anger from their emotion, and dig into their own strength to follow their Life Journey.  Thyme encourages you to be balanced, courageous, calm and supportive while also ensuring there is focus and decisive action being undertaken.  This allows you to be strong in your decisions, to ensure you strengthen your will power to remain on your chosen path.

These essential oils combined allow you to transition into change, with ease, will power and strength, while remaining firmly focused on your chosen Life Journey.

Aromatherapy Blend

Strength In Transition

For more information on the use of essential oils, refer to my website, http://www.SandraVenables.com

Secret Snacking Habits Of Thin People

“It’s Christmas Time, Mistletoe & Wine”

Oh yes, and party time and snacking time!!


If you’re like the average Christmas party goer, then any thoughts of being good at this time of the year generally go out the window.  The array of snacks and drinks on offer are all tempting and the encouragement of “go on, it’s only once a year” reduces your resolve very quickly.  Peer pressure to conform is very difficult to resist!  Have you ever heard of the saying,

“it’s my party and I’ll eat if I want to”? 

So, that is a little bit of a changed saying, but, according to a very recent study on snacking behaviours, you are more likely to snack when it is a special occassion, or there is an opportunity put in front of you (think platters of food!).  And, let’s face it, Christmas is generally considered a special occassion, as are all the office parties, the family get togethers, the friend catchups!


The question then remains, how do you avoid these tempting snacks, or the drinks that are on offer, and remain true to your plan of healthy eating?


My plan

  • Avoid Hunger

One way to be free from the temptation of the food platter is to go to the party with a full stomach.  This can be achieved by having a snack before you arrive, consisting of high protein and fibre and lower in calories. This will create the sensation of fullness so that you can still have one or two tempting treats, but you won’t be searching for something to overcome that inevitable hunger attack when you first arrive after being at work all day.


  • Avoid Stress

Stress can lead to emotional and compulsive eating.  Christmas creates a lot of stress for many people and for a variety of reasons.  Remember this when you are heading into the Christmas season.  Some ways you can avoid stress are to incorporate meditation into your daily routine, complete a gratitude diary every evening before bed and to utilise adaptogenic herbs that can allow you to manage your stress better.  Personally, I use herbs such as ashwagandha, eleuthero, and shizandra daily to mitigate my stress levels.


  • Have a Plan

Drinking alcohol, or even sweet cocktails, seems to be on the increase around the party season.  These are the hidden and empty calories that will ensure you become a statistic and increase your weight by 5kg (about 10lb) over the holiday season.  Plan to swap or replace these drinks with a healthy option.  If you don’t want to appear to be ‘the only one not drinking’, plan to have a spritzer (half wine, half soda water) and ensure you alternate this with a glass of water.  This plan will take you far into the holiday season without adding the weight to your body.  Other options available today include low (or no) alcohol drinks.  I especially love using bottle sparkling water, I always feel I’m having a special drink, add a slice of lemon or lime and some ice and an umbrella and I’m in party land!


  • Use Balanced Snacks

Make sure you carry balanced snacks with you during the holiday season. By balanced snacks, I’m talking about snacks that contain carbohydrates, protein, fats and fibre.  Small snacks such as these will give you that full feeling and that extra energy you need to get through the hustle and bustle of food preparation, present buying and present wrapping, all while finishing up your work deadlines in time for the summer break!

  • Be Gentle On You

Remember, it’s alright if you splurge once in a while.  Remember to have a plan to get back onto the road of healthy eating and living the very next day. Don’t allow a night of indulgence ruin your plans by the allure of, well, I’ve done it now, might as well really ruin it!!  Pick yourself back up the next day and get right back into your healthy eating plans, look forward and not behind you, it’s difficult to keep moving forward when you’re constantly looking over your shoulder.

  • Begin Today

Avoid the temptation to start your New Year’s resolution to commit to a healthy lifestyle in 2015. Begin today!  Use your healthy lifestyle plans to begin your Life Journey today, every step forward is a step further ahead. By waiting until January 1,  you’ve wasted over 2 weeks of your precious life!!

To get started on your healthy Life Journey, using healthy balanced snacks and meals, contact me now!

Dieting and snacking

Snacking, courtesy of Isagenix


Does Sugar Age You?

According to this great article from Isagenix, reproduced here, it DOES!  I’ve been using these products for over a year now and am always pleasantly surprised when people mention there has been a change to my skin and my appearance (obviously for the better!!).  I believe this is a benefit of not ageing as quickly as I was with my seemingly ‘healthy’ diet.


Enjoy this wonderful article.


Almost half of all Americans have blood sugar concentrations that are considered too high, with those over 60 being especially at risk (1). Uncontrolled, it could mean a higher risk of metabolic syndrome and eventual chronic disease.

The reason is that too much sugar in the blood causes damage to various body systems. Especially concerning, high blood sugar stimulates production of compounds called advanced glycation end products (AGE). Because AGEs are reactive, they can directly damage important cells and tissues in the body and have long been associated with accelerated aging.

AGEs are formed inside and outside of the body causing cells to become stiff, less pliable, and subject to damage. They can affect multiple tissues and organs and have been closely linked to reduced cardiovascular and brain function.

To avoid the damaging effects of high blood glucose and generation of AGEs, it’s essential to both maintain a healthy body weight and to avoid excessive intake of sugar-rich foods. One way of controlling blood sugar concentrations for weight management and healthy aging is to choose foods with a low glycemic index (GI) value (2-4). This value gives the consumer a “snap-shot” of the type and amount of carbohydrates in food and how that food can affect blood sugar levels.

The glycemic index is a scale from 0 to 100, with 100 being the equivalent amount of pure glucose. A food with a low GI score will have a less severe impact on a person’s blood sugar levels. Many factors can influence GI including the quantity of fat and protein of the food, which can slow digestion of sugars. Low-glycemic foods include beans, complex carbs like oats, most vegetables, and some fruits. White bread, on the other hand, is considered high-glycemic.

A system that can help support blood sugar management is the Isagenix 30-day Cleansing and Fat Burning System™. As shown in independent clinical studies at two separate universities, subjects on the program were able to better control their blood sugar in comparison to traditional dieters.

In 2012, the University of Illinois at Chicago evaluated the effects of the Isagenix system compared to a “heart-healthy” dietary plan in obese women. Researchers found that the subjects on the Isagenix system had significantly better blood glucose control—a particularly striking finding considering that the subjects had normal blood glucose levels at the beginning of the study (4). Additionally, the results suggested their bodies were better using insulin to manage the sugar received in their diets.

The Isagenix system employs IsaLean® Shakes and Bars that are formulated to be low-glycemic. These have balanced combination of dairy proteins including whey protein, healthy fats, low-glycemic carbohydrates including fructose (fruit sugar), and finally, a good source of fiber. Isagenix tests to ensure that these meal replacement products are indeed low-glycemic by partnering with academic testing institutions nationwide.

To find out more about this wonderful system of ageing gracefully, contact me directly!


  1. Brown AF, Mangione CM, Sarkisian CA, et al. California Healthcare Foundation/American Geriatrics Society Panel on Improving Care for Elders with Diabetes. Guidelines for improving the care of the older person with diabetes mellitus. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2003;(Suppl Guidelines):S265-S280.
  2. Juanola-Falgarona M et al. Effect of the glycemic index of the diet on weight loss, modulation of satiety, inflammation, and other metabolic risk factors: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr 100:27-35, 2014.
  3. Kahlhofer J et al. Carbohydrate intake and glycemic index affect substrate oxidation during a controlled weight cycle in healthy men. Eur J Clin Nutr 68:1060-6, 2014.
  4. Lagerpusch M et al. Carbohydrate quality and quantity affect glucose and lipid metabolism during weight regain in healthy men. J Nutr 143:1593-601.


Who Wants To Lose Weight?

Who Else Wants To Lose Weight
& Live Healthy Naturally?
Imagine …

  • No Pills
  • No Exercise
  • No Extra Costs

It’s true. Scientists at universities have proven you can lose weight safely without pills, without exercise, without extra costs and without low-calorie diets!

But you have to trick your brain into telling your body when you’re full so you don’t overeat. That’s done with potent foods that make you feel full while burning fat and tasting great.

In 36 Potent Foods to Lose Weight & Live Healthy, you will discover:

  • a fruit that melts away the fat and leaves you feeling satisfied longer
  • Michigan State University found certain types of bread actually reduces your appetite
  • University of Florida found this fruit helps dissolve fat and cholesterol
  • people think this vegetable puts on the pounds but St. Helena Hospital found you can achieve rapid weight loss
  • this miracle from Asia makes your metabolism run on high and even lowers cholesterol
  • what the Roman gladiators ate for strength – it wasn’t meat!
  • these sweet tiny fruits will satisfy the “sweet tooth” in all of us so we don’t eat empty calories
  • and more…

And best of all, you can find all the 36 Potent Foods in your grocery store.

  • No crazy over-priced supplements
  • No starving yourself
  • No stressing over weight loss because these work naturally


Start losing weight today and keep it off forever.

Order Your Copy Now


Only $17

36Potent Foods Cover Final


Stress Secrets

Stress Less

Love Life More


Quite often I take the time to create a blend for the clinic, usually focusing on what I am looking for most within my day too.  Usually the blending process is done intuitively.  Today was no different.  I went to my ‘toolbox’ of essential oils and randomly chose three oils


Today’s Blend




These three are burning gently now as I write this blog, the aroma is very relaxing and I understand that the effects of these will be to uplift my heart and joy of life, along with easing me through the changes I’m making to my work and personal life, knowing that my strength is contained within me!


  • eases stress
  • uplifting
  • help to ease you through changes
  • keeps you alert
  • nutures the solar plexus chakra



  • creates unity, focusing  your heart and head together
  • to aid you in rising above your self imposed barriers
  • to aid you in sticking to your plan
  • grounding, yet linked to your spirituality, the unity of both
  • aids you in realising that your strength is always within you
  • nutures the sacral chakra



  • unconditional love, love of life, joy of life
  • aids you in following  your dreams with passion
  • lets you live  your life from your heart, encompassing all that you are passionate about
  • gives joy and happiness in large quanitites
  • nutures the solar and heart chakras


Enjoy today’s blend and live life to it’s fullest, with joy, happiness & passion, striving for your dreams that are attainable by following your heart and using the strength within you.


Aromatherapy Blend Stress Less

Stress Less, Live Life More

Reiki Week

To celebrate Reiki Awareness Week in Australia, I wanted to bring you some information on what Reiki is and my first experience of Reiki.


Reiki is a form of energy healing that has been practised worldwide since the early 1900’s. It was first developed as a healing system in Japan, by Mikao Usui, and has been further developed over the years.


I enjoyed finding out the literal translation of Reiki.


Rei = “God’s Wisdom” or “the Higher Power”

Ki = “Life Force Energy”


Reiki is considered to be both a spiritual practice and a healing art, working on enhancing the body’s innate healing abilities.  I like this as it relates to my underlining philosophy of using nature to promote self-healing. It’s the body’s own ability to heal that is being stimulated, much like when I use homeopathy or aromatherapy as a stimulant to support the body in what it aims to do best, which is to return to homeostasis, or balance.


My first experience with Reiki occurred on a whim.  I was in London and had spare time so was wandering about some streets, wondering what I could do with my time.  I walked into a wonderful feeling shop, lots of crystals, essential oils and the like giving a great experience.  There was a Reiki Master working from this shop and he just happened to have a free one hour space – I quickly grabbed the opportunity to try something that I’d never experienced before.


The treatment room was soothing and relaxing. I was asked to take my shoes off and lie on the towel on the floor, to relax and close my eyes. Gentle music was playing in the background. This was a great beginning after wandering the busy streets of London.


From there, I felt an energy pass into my body, it was sometimes moving and sometimes it was stopped in a particular area, all the time, I could feel this amazing strong energy flowing freely from my big toe. This was it, for a period of one hour, I lay on a floor, listening to the music, noone touched me, nor did I move.  It was exhilarating!


After the treatment, I discussed the bumpy energy flow in spots over my body. It was explained that the practitioner had not stopped and concentrated in any one particular area, it was my body that needed particular healing in those areas so the energy had remained over those spots until the healing had occurred and it could move on.  The energy flow from my big toe was explained as the exit of the energy from my body once it had targeted what was required.


The experience is one that I have never forgotten, it occurred over 14 years ago.   I was attuned to Reiki some years ago, and regularly practice self-healing with Reiki.  A truly wonderful treatment that anyone can be attuned to and can utilise in their daily lives.


The purpose of Reiki, from the Reiki Australia website:


“The true purpose of the Reiki method is to correct the heart-mind, keep the body fit, and lead a happy life using the spiritual capabilities humans are endowed with since birth.”

Here is a great video on how we all practice Reiki on a daily basis, and have not maybe realised it previously

Enjoy learning more about Reiki and ask me about how it will complement your treatment plan.

Are Mistakes Failures?

In today’s society there seems to be a strong pressure for us to all perform, to perform well (in fact perfectly) and to achieve the top of anything we attempt.


We make mistakes!!


How many of us admit that we’ve made a mistake, and what does it mean to admit to this mistake?


This week, I had a day where I made a mistake.  Instead of following my routine that I had set aside for the month of November, I didn’t follow my plan. Yes, this was a mistake.


What it catastrophic?




Did I Learn From This?




What did I learn I hear you ask?


Well, I learnt a couple of things – okay, I’ve listed 7.


  1. To be kind to myself
  2. To improve on the me I was yesterday
  3. To be the best me I can be
  4. To make a mistake is to learn
  5. To learn is to grow
  6. To grow is LIVING!
  7. Once a mistake is made, to learn from it and move back is powerful


I’ve been following the teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz and his wonderfully quoted book, The Four Agreements.  These four agreements are:


  1. Be impeccable with your word
  2. Don’t take anything personally
  3. Don’t make assumptions
  4. Always do your best.


These agreements came to mind for me strongly when I admitted to myself that it had been a mistake to not follow my program for a day.  However, the tempered my response to this mistake, and supported my growth from that mistake.


Within these, I was gentle to myself for slipping off the rails (being impeccable with my word), telling myself how easy it will be to step back onto these rails and be a better person performing the task than I was the day before (always doing my best) and not blaming myself (not taking it personally that I slipped).  I have stepped back onto the rails, with determination and gratitude for where I have developed to as a person.


A year ago, it would have been so easy to tell myself off for slipping off a planned strategy, to have felt bad for doing the ‘wrong’ thing, to then continue being off the rails. Now, life is much gentler.


Remember: be gentle to yourself, so you can be gentle to others


Mistakes & Growth

Responsibility for your mistakes, results in growth

Cleaning Up For Christmas

Cleaning Up For Christmas


Oh my gosh, yes, it’s that dreaded word!!! Christmas! Halloween is now officially over, and the next big holiday a lot of people are expecting is Christmas (though I know for my northern American friends, it’s Thanksgiving!).


I’ve been reflecting on where I was last Christmas, and where I’m heading to this Christmas.  Last Christmas I was in the middle of my new Life Journey.

At that time I had just recently completed a 10 week challenge at the gym, was sitting around 67kg (147lbs), looking towards achieving my goal weight of 60kg (132lb) sometime in the New Year.  My goal over Christmas was to not gain weight – and, yep, I achieved that goal. In fact, I lost weight over Christmas!!


Weight loss

Jul – Dec 2013


So, for this end of year celebration, as we head rapidly towards the end of 2014, I was looking at where I’ve come from and where I’m heading too.


Over the last few months, I’ve been feeling a little bit on the sluggish side, so I knew in my heart it was time to complete a 30 day nutritional cleansing program again.  It kicks off today!!


As it was day 1, I decided to do my weights and measures (as I’ve not measured myself since I hit my goal weight of 60kg in March this year.  I was very surprised at the results!

  • Firstly, I am now the same weight – 59kg (130lb)
  • Secondly, most of my measurements are the same – EXCEPT FOR:


Surprisingly this measurement has decreased by a full 9cm since March



Not surprisingly, this measurement has increased by 2cm since March

How happy was I with these results? A toned butt and biceps?  Awesome!!!!

Anyway, that was the most surprising element of the measurements that were taken.

My goal for this 30 day cleanse is to improve my energy, clean up my insides, possibly release another 3 – 4kg (6 – 8lb) and increase my motivation as we head into the silly season.

In the way of accountability, here is my ‘before’ shot:

Weight Loss

Day 1 – 1 Nov 2014


During my cleanse days, I will be actively recording how they progress on my Facebook page.

I will be undertaking some deep cleanse days, and these involved two days, yes two days, of fasting.  These are supported by nutritional snacks, cleansing herbal drinks, lots of water and my special treat – a green tea infused dark chocolate!


So, enjoy my journey and I’m excited about seeing the final toned information after 30 November!

Contact me to begin your Life Journey now

The Beauty Of Nature

Sometimes we need to stop and breathe in the beauty of nature. Today is that day. Enjoy the beauty you see around you today, take a moment to capture it, breathe it in and share here so we can all enjoy your moment today


Looking up into the world, in wonderment

A second beautiful shot presented itself to me, and I had to share


Delicious Risotto

Spring Chicken & Vegetable Risotto


Often risottos are full of cream, butter and cheese, making them less desirable when you are changing your food options to match your new Life Journey.


I adore this particular recipe for a couple of reasons,

  • firstly, it contains asparagus, which I really enjoy in springtime
  • secondly, it only has 6g of fat, up to 19g less than standard risottos
  • thirdly, it is < 600 calories for a serve (actually 590!)


risotto 600 calories

Borrowed from lovefood.com


We made this recipe last week, however I forgot to take a photograph, so I’ve found one and borrowed it just for this blog. It’s very similar to the final recipe, except we grate parmesan over the top when we serve.


To serve 2 people


  • olive oil spray
  • 150g chicken breast fillets, thinly sliced across the grain
  • 115g frozen peas
  • 1 bunch asparagus, trimmed (woody ends trimmed off) and cut into 3cm lengths
  • 1/2 onion, finely chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed
  • 1T water
  • 750ml (3 cups) chicken stock
  • 63ml (1/4 cup) white wine
  • 220g (1 cup) arborio rice
  • 1T fresh thyme (1/2 tsp dried)
  • salt & freshly ground pepper
  • 10g (1/8 cup) finely grated parmesan cheese



  1. Heat a non-stick frying pan, medium heat, spray with olive oil spray. Add the chicken and cook for 4 – 6 minutes, or until golden brown and cooked through. Transfer the chicken onto foil and fold to keep in the juices and heat.
  2. In the non-stick frying pan, add the onion, garlic and water, cook, stirring occasionally for 3 minutes, until the onion softens.
  3. Meanwhile, put the stock and wine into a saucepan and heat until just coming to the boil. Cover and reduce the heat to low to hold at a gentle simmer.
  4. Add the rice to the onions and stir until well combined.  Add a ladleful of stock to the rice mixture and stir constantly with a wooden spoon unitl the liquid is completely absorbed.  Continue to add liquid and stirring until the liquid is absorbed, and repeating this until approximately 1 – 2 ladefuls are remaining.  Add the asparagus and peas to the stock to cook for 2 – 3 minutes.  In the last few ladefuls the asparagus and peas will be added to the rice mix. Cook the rice until it is just tender but firm to bite and the risotto is creamy (approximately 20 minutes).
  5. Add the chicken and 1/2 the fresh thyme (if using dried thyme, add it all to the chicken stock when you add the asparagus and peas), stir to combine.  Taste and season with salt and pepper.
  6. Spoon into bowls and serve with the parmesan and remaining fresh thyme.