Need To Be Productive Today?

We all manage to have days where the productivity level is low.  How do you change that?

Well, for some people I know, they put on loud music and dance out the sluggishness and replace it with a vibrancy.  Others go for a walk in nature. Yet others take a 10 minute meditation break.

For me, when I know there is an amount of work to be achieved in a day, and the motivation levels are low, I turn to my trusty oil burner and essential oils.  I choose a blend that will assist my Productivity.

Productivity Blend:

  • Clary Sage
  • Basil
  • Clove

Clary Sage will allow clarity when mental confusion or emotions are ruling the day, which can normally result in you feeling weepy or burnt out. You will become clear about what you want and how to get it, removing events or distractions from your path.

Basil will allow you to express yourself and speak from your heart while acting with integrity. You will perform the required tasks with truth and positivity.

Clove allows you to release any attachments that are holding you back from your path of productivity.  Allowing you to change your lack of motivation and move forward with your tasks.

Using a blend of Clary Sage, Basil and Clove will allow you to see the tasks required to be undertaken, the Clary sage allowing you to intuit what needs to be done, the Basil allowing you to perform the task with integrity and the Clove ensuring you release past issues that are holding you back from your task.

Essential Oils, herbs, wellbeing

Herb Garden

For more practical blends and ideas, look out for my upcoming workshop on using Aromatherapy & Homeopathy around the home

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