Tag Archive | Change

Need To Be Productive Today?

We all manage to have days where the productivity level is low.  How do you change that?

Well, for some people I know, they put on loud music and dance out the sluggishness and replace it with a vibrancy.  Others go for a walk in nature. Yet others take a 10 minute meditation break.

For me, when I know there is an amount of work to be achieved in a day, and the motivation levels are low, I turn to my trusty oil burner and essential oils.  I choose a blend that will assist my Productivity.

Productivity Blend:

  • Clary Sage
  • Basil
  • Clove

Clary Sage will allow clarity when mental confusion or emotions are ruling the day, which can normally result in you feeling weepy or burnt out. You will become clear about what you want and how to get it, removing events or distractions from your path.

Basil will allow you to express yourself and speak from your heart while acting with integrity. You will perform the required tasks with truth and positivity.

Clove allows you to release any attachments that are holding you back from your path of productivity.  Allowing you to change your lack of motivation and move forward with your tasks.

Using a blend of Clary Sage, Basil and Clove will allow you to see the tasks required to be undertaken, the Clary sage allowing you to intuit what needs to be done, the Basil allowing you to perform the task with integrity and the Clove ensuring you release past issues that are holding you back from your task.

Essential Oils, herbs, wellbeing

Herb Garden

For more practical blends and ideas, look out for my upcoming workshop on using Aromatherapy & Homeopathy around the home

Stepping Into 2015 – Strongly!

Most of the emails over the last day have been about setting New Year’s Resolutions, or not.  Inspiring quotes to start your year strong. How to detox efficiently in 3 days.  Stop smoking easily. And the list continues.

Did you know that the most common New Year’s Resolutions are to get healthier, quit smoking/drinking/overeating and to lose weight.  All of these relate to looking after our bodies, to creating a cleaner, healthier and stronger you.

Did you know that most New Year’s Resolutions are broken within days if not weeks?

Interesting thoughts to contemplate aren’t they?

This year, my New Year’s Resolution is not about me.  It’s about helping others achieve what they desire.  Go figure, 2014 was a changing year for me, so now the focus is upon others and not me anymore.  How exhilarating, how inspiring, how wonderful to know that this is my focus for the next 52 weeks!!

My resolution is actually part of my lifestyle. It is a part of my daily routines that have been established over the last year, so I know that they will be fulfilled as they are not a distant goal, but something that I aspire to include in my daily life, so it becomes a lifestyle, and not a goal.

How do I do this? I would lie to you if I said that this was easy to achieve, if it happened overnight.  As I mentioned, it’s been developing over the last year and it will continue to develop.  Some of the first steps I have undertaken to ensure this is happening within my lifestyle are:

  • at the end of every day, writing out 10 things I’m grateful for, in my Gratitude diary. This includes my learning experiences!
  • on waking every day, I run through my morning six – my dream, how it will feel when it’s achieved, who I’m going to help along the way, what I’m doing when it’s achieved, the one fun thing I’m going to do when I achieve it, and the one thing I’m going to do today that will take me one step closer to that dream
  • on waking I also consider the short term goals that I’m aiming for along the way to achieving my dream above
  • I look for butterflies every day – it was part of my E-squared experiment and it’s stayed with me. This allows me to know that I can manifest the changes in my life that I desire

These steps, undertaken daily, have become my lifestyle. These steps assist me in achieving my goals, lifestyle and resolutions.

Focus New Years Resolutions

Focus On Each Step

Stress Secrets

Stress Less

Love Life More


Quite often I take the time to create a blend for the clinic, usually focusing on what I am looking for most within my day too.  Usually the blending process is done intuitively.  Today was no different.  I went to my ‘toolbox’ of essential oils and randomly chose three oils


Today’s Blend




These three are burning gently now as I write this blog, the aroma is very relaxing and I understand that the effects of these will be to uplift my heart and joy of life, along with easing me through the changes I’m making to my work and personal life, knowing that my strength is contained within me!


  • eases stress
  • uplifting
  • help to ease you through changes
  • keeps you alert
  • nutures the solar plexus chakra



  • creates unity, focusing  your heart and head together
  • to aid you in rising above your self imposed barriers
  • to aid you in sticking to your plan
  • grounding, yet linked to your spirituality, the unity of both
  • aids you in realising that your strength is always within you
  • nutures the sacral chakra



  • unconditional love, love of life, joy of life
  • aids you in following  your dreams with passion
  • lets you live  your life from your heart, encompassing all that you are passionate about
  • gives joy and happiness in large quanitites
  • nutures the solar and heart chakras


Enjoy today’s blend and live life to it’s fullest, with joy, happiness & passion, striving for your dreams that are attainable by following your heart and using the strength within you.


Aromatherapy Blend Stress Less

Stress Less, Live Life More

Secrets to Building the Bikini Body!!

“This time last year, I was fair, fat & forty”

 – Sandra Venables

Well, okay, so I was older than forty, and I am not blonde – but you get the picture!!  Actually here is the picture if you’ve missed it in the past

Weight loss

Jul – Dec 2013

We are almost about to step into Spring in Australia and the rest of the Southern Hemisphere, whereas it’s time to reflect on a Summer almost past if you’re living in the Northern Hemisphere – so you’re either anticipating a bikini body, or reflecting on not losing your current bikini body (okay, so maybe some of you are reflecting on NOT having obtained a bikini body in the first place!!).


Now is the time to begin Springing into Summer, or preparing to never again have a Summer like you just experienced.  Either way, it’s time to begin the easy process of a Life Journey that will allow you to feel comfortable in your skin again.


I wanted to discuss measuring the progress of your Life Journey today.  WAY too many people measure progress based on the numbers on the scales!

Weight loss

If you are going to be a “scale watcher”, then here are some tips for when to measure yourself on the scales.

  1. weigh yourself first thing in the morning, prior to breakfast
  2. weigh yourself either once a week or, preferably, once a month
  3. never weigh yourself daily, this does not allow for  your body to show your changes
  4. remember, scales measure muscle gain as well as fat loss!!


A more accurate way to measure yourself is to use a good, old fashioned, measuring tape!

A measuring tape will measure the physical changes much better than a scale can measure the overall change.  Use the two in conjunction and you can work out your overall body fat ratio.


Now, how to measure yourself, where to measure and how often?

  1. HOW – wear tight fitting clothing, note what clothing you wear for when you measure next time
  2. WHERE – upper arm, chest, waist, buttocks and upper thigh
  3. Upper arm, around the bicep (easier to find if you flex your arm)
  4. Chest, keep the tape horizontal, measure around the torso/body, along the nipple line
  5. Waist, keep the tape horizontal, measure around the torso/body at the narrowest part of your waist, this is generally 1/2 inch (approx 2cm) above the belly button
  6. Buttocks, keep the tape horizontal, measure around the widest part of the hips
  7. Upper thigh, place your foot on a chair, find half way between the front of the knee and the point where your leg inserts into your body, at the half way point, measure the circumference of your thigh
  8. FREQUENCY – once a week, always at the same time and day, e.g., 7am on a Tuesday.


It’s usually easier if you have someone take your measurements for you.  A couple of step by step guides for how to take the measurements are shown in a video, or on a website for more information.


I’ve developed a spreadsheet for you to use to monitor your weight and you can then calculate your progress more easily over your Life Journey.  You can download it here.


Lastly, remember to monitor your progress visually!

Take before and after photos.  Just before you measure yourself each week, take a photo. This is one of the most impactful ways of monitoring your progress, seeing the changes week after week are incredible.  Personally, I took photos and measurements monthly (as regular followers here can verify) and found that they were truly inspiring when I calcuated the progress.


I would recommend following any Life Journey for a minimum of 90 days. This is because your red blood cells typically have a life cycle of 90 days, so I believe it will take this amount of time to show good progress on your journey, at least 30 days of this journey will be in you changing your lifestyle habits, getting into routines and settling into your new Life Journey.


I am personally mentoring people in their new Life Journey to enable them to Spring Into Summerright now!

Be quick, there are limited places!!!! 


Take your new Life Journey with me for free mentoring, meal planning tips and inspirational tips along the way.


Weight Loss

Come on a Life Journey


Contact me now to be personally mentored into your Bikini Body this Summer, WITH EASE!!!

The Wonders of My World

Today I was out walking when I decided to utilise the powers of the Universe again and see if they were still working (as if they wouldn’t be, but hey, you’ve just got to check them out every so often!)


My walk today was to a rainforest area that I really love, it’s main attraction is a waterfall (which you have all seen many times!).  I always hear a lot of birds but don’t often see Pademelons here, they appear to be few in this area and they are usually very flighty.  Well, today I asked if I could see one in this area again.


To my joy we walked around a corner and BAM, there was a beautiful one sitting in the middle of the path.  It just looked up at us and didn’t move.  I very slowly retrieved my phone for a photo, and it still just wandered, well, okay, hopped, a few feet, but close enough for this wonderful photo – so much better than the one I posted on my Facebook page the other week.


Life Journey

Pademelon in Rainforest


As we continued our walk in the rainforest, and our conversation about the bats that moved, the pademelons, the beautiful creek and mini waterfall into a pool, it was mentioned about my conversation with the Universe on the appearance of a pademelon.  The conversation then changed to, “oh, is that why we’ve not seen any noisy Pitta’s today?”


So, as you can imagine, the conversation in my head to the Universe then changed to wanting to see a noisy pitta.


On our walk back out of the rainforest, BAM, we saw a beautiful, and almost still noisy Pitta – how amazing, it wasn’t hopping all over the place, not flying off, but just sitting there, waiting for me to again retrieve my phone slowly, and get a photo of this beautifully coloured bird.


Life Journey

Noisy Pitta in the Rainforest


Wow, what a wonderful morning to be out walking, thinking that I was so grateful for all that the Universe had delivered to me for today, it was now time to continue on my walk and go back home to my fun filled day ahead.



Here was a pademelon in front of me, and how awesome, with it’s little joey!!!! I’ve never, ever seen a joey of this beautiful little creature before (in the 5 years we’ve been walking here) and here was the cutest little one!! I stopped and watched it hop over to it’s mum and climb into it’s pouch – sorry, no photos here.  Boy, was I ever grateful to the Universe for that ‘extra’.


The walk home was undertaken with a beautiful smile on my face, and a skip in my step – you know, even when things are looking a bit on the gloomy side, when we stop and ask to see the joy and beauty around us, the Universe will provide it for us, and with extra too.


Here’s is the final extra – it’s now Jasmine flowering time here on the Mountain – when I walked outside first thing I noticed was the aroma – how wonderful!!!!



Jasmine flowering in my Life Journey

Jasmine flowering on the Mountain


Wanting to know more about the ways of the Universe and how to harness that way via mentoring, contact me now!

What’s making you & your family fat?



Recently I was listening to a podcast and the discussion was on ‘Chemicals that makes us fat, depressed and toxic’


Take the time to have a listen – I was very impressed with the research and training Kim Morrison has undertaken and how she has implemented her passion into her life, creating a healthier lifestyle for herself and her family and friends in what sounds like a very gentle and caring manner.


This podcast introduced me to the concept of obesogens – not something I’ve heard of before (the term has been coined in research papers since 2002, though accredited to being developed by a Professor in 2006), but the underlying philosophy of obesogens is one that I am learning about a lot in the past year while I’ve been 0n my life journey.


The myth is changing

Releasing those toxins, and weight!


I’m now finding out more about obesogens and how they can affect our lives.


It appears that researchers are now gathering evidence that there are subtances, which have been named obesogens, that are affecting how our body metabolises foods and may predispose some of us to gain weight.  The concept that environmental chemicals could be related to weight gain was first discussed in an article published in 2002.

This article discusses how the meat industry, and the pharmaceutical industry, have been using chemicals to encourage weight gain where required.  I find this funny that the idea was not turned around for the obesity epidemic we are now facing sooner – it’s only taken 12 more years to make a connection!  Surely the hormones that were fed to the cattle were going to be eaten by the consumers – i.e. us!! Our body is not made to excrete excess toxins, it can excrete plenty, but we are being exposed to a lot.


Another article I’ve been reading discusses how people and animals (even urban rats) are increasing in weight, regardless of their diet and exercise regimes.  I must admit to having felt this way at times myself. No matter how hard I tried, there was always a plateau in my weight loss.  How I arrived at “fair, fat and forty”.


I was curious to see that the obesogens are essentially chemicals, or toxins, that are abundant in our everyday life.  The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in the US say there are 15 – 20 chemicals that have been shown to increase obesity from exposure either when inutero, or in infancy.


Chemicals abundant in our everyday life include:

  • phthalates, which are in fragrances (not that you’ll see this on the ingredients label), so you see this in beauty products, laundry powders, air fresheners
  • many plastics (PVC)
  • cigarette smoke (known to produce underweight babies who then play growth ‘catchup’)
  • drugs (e.g. DES – will explain this one below, the diabetes drug Avandia® (rosiglitazone))
  • msg (monosodium glutamate)
  • pesticides, (e.g. DDE, a chemical still in our food chain from the breakdown of DDT; tributyltin [TBT], a contaminant in our waterways and still used as a stabiliser in PVC)
  • bisphenol A (BPA), which is found in medical devices, in the lining of some canned foods, and in cash register receipts
  • perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a friction reducer, so you find this items such as in carpets, non-stick cookware, Scotchgard and Goretex products (remember our infants crawl on carpets)


It appears that these obesogens act as disruptors in the normal metabolism and hormone systems within our body.  They can

  • increase the number of fat cells;
  • increase the size of fat cells;
  • change the body’s ability to feel satiated;
  • it’s appetite control;
  • food preferences; and
  • how food is metabolised


One of the interesting things for me was the discussion on exposure in-utero.  As a 1960s baby, my mother was given the drug DES (diethylstilbestrol), a drug to reduce the risk of miscarriage.  The only miscarriage I’ve noticed about this drug was the increased risk to vaginal cancer, breast cancer and reproductive issues.  Now I find out that it may also have a role to play in why I have struggled with my weight since I was a little girl. Very interesting indeed.

Cute & Cuddly DES does make

Cute & Cuddly DES does make


Exposure of our next generation to chemicals that can be avoided is something we can all be aware of, living a more sustainable lifestyle, taking care with the skin care products we put onto our skin, reducing our reliance on plastics, eating food that has been exposed to pesticides and herbicides and drinking water that has been filtered.  I would say that we are not able to completely avoid all of these contaminants – e.g., how do you find furniture, carpets and cookware that has not been manufactured with some of these chemical contaminants?


How can you not be exposed when it is stated in the article that nearly every adult and child in the US has at least PFOA’s in their blood – avoiding contamination may be tricky.


I’m feeling very blessed that I have now discovered a way to keep my internal organs supported in removing excess toxins daily. It’s a simple drink that I have every morning, to support my cells in doing what they know how to do naturally.  And it tastes of berries!  If you want to know more, ask me


What are your kids eating?

Everything in moderation is okay

In today’s society parents globally tend to agree that everything in moderation is okay for their children.  Do you agree?

Does this mean that of the 17,000 new processed foods introduced to the market every year, these are foods you want to be giving to your children in moderation? (1)

At what point does moderation become excess?


I feel that moderation becomes excess when we are giving similar ingredients in foods that are multiplied in processed foods.  These ingredients are not necessarily those that we wish our children to be getting on a daily basis.


The foods children need to grow include:

  • fruit
  • veges
  • whole grains
  • proteins
  • healthy fats

The best way for your children to get these healthy food types, including their vitamins, minerals and micronutrients that are all required for their growth and brain development, is through eating locally grown organic wherever possible.  If not locally grown, then organic, if not organic, then locally grown in season.


What do you do though if you cannot access these all year round? Or you  have fussy eaters?


Did you know that our soils are depleted of minerals? (2)  Did you know that over 80,000 environmental toxins are released yearly and many are not tested for? (3).  How do you think this is affecting the nutritional content of the foods you are feeding to your children?


Are they receiving the nutrients they need to grow into healthy adults? To grow up without the added risk of Type 2 Diabetes? To grow up without the risk of obesity?


There are statistics available (4) that highlight that children in the US today do not get enough fruit and vegetables, and that this is a greater problem as children age.  What foods do your children eat that contain high sodium levels (lots of extra salt added), high fat levels (fried foods), high sugar levels (sweets, cakes, processed foods, even ‘low fat’ foods)??


How to change this for your children?


Switch to superfoods that have natural ingredients, no artificial sweetners, flavours or colours to supplement your healthy food choices.

  • Look to locally grown, inseason organic foods to cook with,
  • skip processed foods,
  • reduce your concept of ‘moderation’ for processed foods or treats
  • increase exercise for your children, go to the park and run around for 1/2 an hour every evening

Change the eating patterns of your family by joining a revolution of good quality foods that provide nutrients for healthy growth, increase exercise routines in your family to have more fun as a family. Ask me about how.


My own bananas, just ripening now

My own bananas, just ripening now


By doing these things, and following a healthy nutritious diet, you are more likely to be creating a foundation for your children to grow into healthy, strong adults.


Ask me how now!

1. Pollan M. Food Rules, An Eater’s Manual. The Penguin Press, New York, 2011.

2. Davis DR, Epp MD, Riordan, HD. Changes in the USDA food composition data for 43 garden crops, 1950 to1999. J Amer Col Nutr, 2004;23(6):669-682.

3. Reuben SH. Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk: What We Can Do Now. President’s Cancer Panel, Annual Report 2008-2009. Retrieved from: http://deainfo.nci.nih.gov/advisory/pcp/annualReports/pcp08-09rpt/PCP_Report_08-09_508.pdf

4. Cohen, E. Ten Ways To Get Kids To Eat Their Veggies. 2011. Retrieved from: http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/06/02/kids.eat.vegetables.ep/

Feeling “fair, fat and forty”?

When I approached my 40s I was a firm believer that I wouldn’t be a sterotype.  What happened to that??


In my 40s I fell into the belief that I could easily blame my ‘slow metabolism’ – you know, the one where you look at a chocolate cake and you can feel the weight gain happening around the middle?  Or, you look at the gym and think, ‘tomorrow I’ll go and sign up’?


This belief is one that is prevalent in our society today – the number of women I speak to and they all agree that the spare tyre around the middle, or the thickening thighs, or the increasing buttocks are all something we have to live with as we age, as menopause lurks ahead of us and our metabolism slows!!


This is me, in my 40s, living the dream we sell ourselves – fair, fat and forty – and the progress I made once the myth vanished!


The myth is changing

The myth is changing


This myth, that we have to live with this outcome, is about to be blasted out of the water!


There are three ways you can increase your metabolism and turn your body shape into one that you desire


  1. Increase your muscle mass
  2. High intensity exercise
  3. Having muscle building and thermogenic foods


1. Increase your muscle mass

The more muscle you have, the more energy you need to maintain it, so this ensures you are using more calories.

Resistance training is key for achieving muscle gains, since this will increase the rate of muscle turn-over and rebuilding (1). If you’re not familiar with the techniques of weight training, it may be best to focus on large muscle groups—chest, back, shoulders, and legs—for maximum metabolism results. In the gym, that means doing exercises that will train these areas specifically, such as the chest press (chest), lat pull down (back), shoulder press (shoulder), and squats (legs).


2. High intensity exercise

High intensity exercise , as opposed to exercise that is not that intense determines the extent of muscle building and cardiovascular improvements, and determines how long and to what extent you’ll burn calories after you finish your workout (2).

An example of high intensity exercise is where you work at the highest resistance you can and at the highest speed you can, for a minute, then drop both back to resting levels for two minutes.  Repeat this for 5 cycles – a total of 15 minutes workout, but at a high intensity, or what is now known as High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT, or HIT) – see a personal trainer for a refined program that suits you.  Essentially with HIIT you are working out at 80% of your maximum capacity.

An example of exercise that is not so high in intensity is a run for 30 minutes, or an aerobics class such as Zumba – good fun exercises, but not at an intensity that is going to increase the length of time or the amount of calories you burn after your workout has finished!


3. Have muscle building and thermogenic foods in your diet

The best way to support your muscle building activities in ideas No. 1 & 2, is to include protein in your diet.

High quality whey protein has been specifically shown to be of more benefit to muscle building than other proteins (3). Also, whey protein containing foods have also been shown to boost metabolism for longer than foods containing soy proteins (4).

What you’re aiming for in your food intake is foods that take more calories to digest the foods.  Did you know the following facts?

  • of every 100 calories of fat eaten, only 0 – 3 calories are required to digest
  • of every 100 calories of carbohydrates eaten, only 5 – 10 calories are required to digest
  • of every 100 caloreis of protein eaten, 20 – 30 calories are required to digest that protein

This makes protein thermogenic (calorie burning).  Now, I’m not suggesting you head out and eat only protein.  That is not a balanced diet and will not set you on the path of avoiding the ‘fair, fat and forty’ syndrome!!  I am suggesting a balanced diet that has a calculated amount of protein contained within it (high quality protein too), up to 36 grams of protein in two of your meals.  Along with fibre, carbohydrates, fats (yes, we still  need ‘good’ fats for our hormones to be carried around the body safely!) and vitamins and minerals.

Other thermogenic foods to consider include green tea and chilli – as these contain thermogenic compounds that will assist the body in keeping the metabolism functioning at a high speed!


Throughout my life journey, I have been utilising good quality whey proteing, thermogenic foods and HIIT – I have achieved, and am now maintaining, my goal weight.


You can do this too and avoid the myth!


Circle of the Myth

Circle of the Myth



1. Effect of an acute period of resistance exercise on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption: implications for body mass management. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2002 Mar;86(5):411-7. Epub 2002 Jan 29.

2. Børsheim E, Bahr R. Effect of exercise intensity, duration and mode on post-exercise oxygen consumption. Sports Med, 2003;33(14):1037-60.

3. Yang Y, Churchward-Venne TA, Burd NA, Breen L, Tarnopolsky MA, Phillips SM. Myofibrillar protein synthesis following ingestion of soy protein isolate at rest and after resistance exercise in elderly men. Nutr Metab (Lond) 2012;9:57.

4. Acheson KJ, et al. Protein choices targeting thermogenesis and metabolism. Am J Clin Nutr 2011;93(3): 525-534

Secrets to Success

Your life journey takes you down many differing paths, each one has positive and negative success associated with them.  The choices we make along our path results in different outcomes.  How do we know we are travelling well?


One of the secrets to success I have discovered is




I have been listening to various podcasts lately, and they are stating some ideas of similarity – the posture you hold while undertaking a task, whether it’s a new one, or one you’ve repeated many times, will determine a number of different things:


  1. Your sense of ability to accomplish the task
  2. Your energy that surrounds the outcome of the task
  3. Your motivation to complete the task


I first discovered this when I was out running.  It’s amazing how a simple thing like running with your chin pointing straight ahead can change

  • your pace,
  • your sense of lightness in your step and
  • your motivation on whether you can make it to the next point in your run

I’ve been trying out this technique when I’m feeling tired on my runs, and to date, every time, it has changed how I’m feeling about the completion of the run.


Next, I discovered that this very same aspect of posture can change how you see the outcome of a task you’re undertaking when working.  Whenever I am feeling like I’m hitting a block in my thoughts, whether it’s for writing, researching or speaking to new people, I change my posture.  The difference in my ENERGY, CONFIDENCE & INSPIRATION for the task at hand is amazing.


Try this out at home. 


When you’re feeling low about an issue (no matter what it may be) that has troubled you during the day,

  1. stand up and,
  2. with a smile on your face, and
  3. your head held high,
  4. talk about what that issue is

Do you notice the change in energy associated with that issue?

Imagine if you do this when you’re in the middle of a task that is draining your energy, your motivation or inspiration?

Try practising this in the mirror too – you will definitely notice a change in your posture – the smile helps with that too.

How you hold yourself during the day makes a difference to whether your tasks have successful or non-successful outcomes – mainly because your energy around the task changes, which invariably changes the whole situation and the potential outcome too.


Take the path and journey to success, change your posture, lift your chin, hold your head up high and remember to smile, the energy will definitely change for the better.


Keep your posture looking upwards and your energy will follow

Keep your posture looking upwards and your energy will follow