Tag Archive | #success

Secrets To Wonderment

Do you live with a sense of wonderment?

Do you see the beauty that surrounds you every day?

Are you aware and in the moment so that you can see the beauty?

I visited the South Bank Parklands over the weekend. I had to stop several times and take a photo of the beauty I was seeing.  I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I did!

Essential Oils, herbs, wellbeing

Herb Garden


A fun painting








Deep pink Frangipani

The secrets to seeing the world through the eyes of wonderment, are to stop and see what is around you in the moment. Always look out for the beauty in any situation.

A good question to ask yourself is, how would you respond to the following situation?

You return home by car on a beautiful autumn evening. The sun is setting in a kaleidoscope of extraordinary colours.

Do you

a) anxiously lower the sun shield so as not to be dazzled

b) stop by the side of the road and take a few moments to absorb the wonderful spectacle

c) hope you’ll get home before it’s dark

If you answered B, then you are already undertsanding the secrets to wonderment in your life.

If you answered A or C, next time this happens, try out B and see how you feel afterwards!

I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I did

Need To Be Productive Today?

We all manage to have days where the productivity level is low.  How do you change that?

Well, for some people I know, they put on loud music and dance out the sluggishness and replace it with a vibrancy.  Others go for a walk in nature. Yet others take a 10 minute meditation break.

For me, when I know there is an amount of work to be achieved in a day, and the motivation levels are low, I turn to my trusty oil burner and essential oils.  I choose a blend that will assist my Productivity.

Productivity Blend:

  • Clary Sage
  • Basil
  • Clove

Clary Sage will allow clarity when mental confusion or emotions are ruling the day, which can normally result in you feeling weepy or burnt out. You will become clear about what you want and how to get it, removing events or distractions from your path.

Basil will allow you to express yourself and speak from your heart while acting with integrity. You will perform the required tasks with truth and positivity.

Clove allows you to release any attachments that are holding you back from your path of productivity.  Allowing you to change your lack of motivation and move forward with your tasks.

Using a blend of Clary Sage, Basil and Clove will allow you to see the tasks required to be undertaken, the Clary sage allowing you to intuit what needs to be done, the Basil allowing you to perform the task with integrity and the Clove ensuring you release past issues that are holding you back from your task.

Essential Oils, herbs, wellbeing

Herb Garden

For more practical blends and ideas, look out for my upcoming workshop on using Aromatherapy & Homeopathy around the home

Stepping Into 2015 – Strongly!

Most of the emails over the last day have been about setting New Year’s Resolutions, or not.  Inspiring quotes to start your year strong. How to detox efficiently in 3 days.  Stop smoking easily. And the list continues.

Did you know that the most common New Year’s Resolutions are to get healthier, quit smoking/drinking/overeating and to lose weight.  All of these relate to looking after our bodies, to creating a cleaner, healthier and stronger you.

Did you know that most New Year’s Resolutions are broken within days if not weeks?

Interesting thoughts to contemplate aren’t they?

This year, my New Year’s Resolution is not about me.  It’s about helping others achieve what they desire.  Go figure, 2014 was a changing year for me, so now the focus is upon others and not me anymore.  How exhilarating, how inspiring, how wonderful to know that this is my focus for the next 52 weeks!!

My resolution is actually part of my lifestyle. It is a part of my daily routines that have been established over the last year, so I know that they will be fulfilled as they are not a distant goal, but something that I aspire to include in my daily life, so it becomes a lifestyle, and not a goal.

How do I do this? I would lie to you if I said that this was easy to achieve, if it happened overnight.  As I mentioned, it’s been developing over the last year and it will continue to develop.  Some of the first steps I have undertaken to ensure this is happening within my lifestyle are:

  • at the end of every day, writing out 10 things I’m grateful for, in my Gratitude diary. This includes my learning experiences!
  • on waking every day, I run through my morning six – my dream, how it will feel when it’s achieved, who I’m going to help along the way, what I’m doing when it’s achieved, the one fun thing I’m going to do when I achieve it, and the one thing I’m going to do today that will take me one step closer to that dream
  • on waking I also consider the short term goals that I’m aiming for along the way to achieving my dream above
  • I look for butterflies every day – it was part of my E-squared experiment and it’s stayed with me. This allows me to know that I can manifest the changes in my life that I desire

These steps, undertaken daily, have become my lifestyle. These steps assist me in achieving my goals, lifestyle and resolutions.

Focus New Years Resolutions

Focus On Each Step

Addicted to avoidance?

I was recently sent through a blog post from Keith Abraham and it discussed the greatest addiction society has today.  It resonated with me incredibly.

That addiction is to AVOIDANCE.

How many times in your life have you avoided making a decision? Whether the decision is to go ‘YES’, or whether it’s to  go ‘NO’, we avoid it.  What about your family and friends, do they avoid making decisions? How often do you hear, ‘oh, you choose, I don’t mind’ when you ask your partner about where to stop for dinner? How often do you hear that in the workplace, at home, at sports clubs? It is definitely a common answer I believe!!

The question for me then is: Why are we undertaking avoidance?

  • what if we get it wrong?
  • what if something better comes along tomorrow, or next week, or next year?
  • what if we don’t believe we can do it?
  • what if our self-confidence levels mean we will fail?

How do we change this? Remember the blend for Focus on the Future? Inhale deeply, look through the trees and see what the future holds for you with clarity, and make the decision, take the option you were avoiding.

Look to the future with clarity

Look to the future with clarity

What do you have to lose? If we don’t try, we never know if we will succeed or fail. If we fail, it’s merely another stepping stone in the learning path of life. Learn from our lessons and we will continue to grow and succeed.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” ― Winston Churchill